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Email is the Backbone of Social Media

Virtually every activity conducted online that requires an interaction or exchange of information requires a valid email address as identity and/or a communication point.  While there is a proliferation of new social media and channels, an email address is typically the backbone of social media and is still the most widely used online communication medium today.  Typically, email remains the collection point for social networking updates, including alerts around new followers, discussion updates and friend requests. Basically, email is the backbone of social media!
The first step in participating in social media marketing is to create your company’s presence on selected online networks.  The second step is to connect with your customers and prospects via email to build an integrated strategy utilizing both mediums to help seed conversations and engage with your customers/prospects in order to build relationships of significant and sustained value share.  For example, you can post new product information on your social media sites, but communicate product discount information in emails. These exclusive email discounts will get people signed-up to your email, while news of your discount program may spread on social sites.
So, while you consider your online marketing efforts remember that the more social media use means more email use and that email is universal and social networks are not!  Email is maturing, but is still a very effective marketing communication channel and will remain a powerful force in marketing and our lives, today and in the future.
By L. Bullard 
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