I myself am one of the "Less Fortunate" for now. I would love to change this for myself and everyone that falls under this category. (Medicaid and many Medicare Recipients) I was sent to Dr. Anthony Wheeler around a year or so ago. I have done extensive research on him since and supposedly he has or had at some point (as it is humanly impossible to be in two places at one time) a thriving Medical Practice in Charlotte NC. It appears that in prior years reviews of Dr. Wheeler were mixed with some good and some bad.
How do you go from that to some far "less than" position in an Urgent Care Facility? So there are some gaps in this Practitioners comings and goings prior to landing in High Point NC at the Bethany Medical Clinic aka "Urgent Care"!
Upon meeting him (the first visit) he was polite, appeared Professional, doing small exams (as I suffer from Degenerative Disc, Several types of Arthritis, Post Back Surgery, etc.) can't say he spoke much, and I noticed not once did he smile. Wrote my scripts and had me return in a month.
By my third visit, I was nothing more than a chart, he refilled my meds and again returned in a month. Throughout the following months, I had a question about some numbness...he gave me a short answer about getting older and claimed it was just a part of getting older (today from another medical source I've learned, it's associated with Carpal Tunnel). It is as if these monthly visits were almost Robotic.
Bethany Urgent Care |
Dr. Anthony Wheeler |
In the end, I knew with having only Medicaid I was Highly at a disadvantage with receiving the Proper Medical Care that I and every other American DESERVES!!
Let's fast forward to the here and now...we have already established that I received poor medical care from Bethany Medical Clinic aka Urgent Care in High Point NC. In between visits I suffered in pain, but I knew being a Medicaid Recipient they had the upper hand.
It is not recommended you change a "Pain Specialist" within a year. Our Higher Ups in Washington, DC look down Heavily Upon This! And believe it or not, that has nothing to do with Medicaid!
Just waiting for my year to come up I had already planned to ask for a referral (with Medicaid you must have a referral to even have a tooth extracted) to another Pain Specialist (that I had done diligent research on, hey this is my life, I urge everyone do this for you!) I go in for my appointment and I swear it was if they knew what I had already planned to do (with that said others are already doing this when they are receiving less than appropriate medical care), I was basically ambushed when I walked thru the waiting room door!
My appointment had been canceled and I was told to wait that a nurse would be out to speak with me. The nurse pops out that is the nurse for a completely different physician (my PCP) and I am told I am DISCHARGED from Dr. Wheeler! Reason?
Claiming that I lied about having an ACTT Team (which a member of was indeed in our presence and he identified himself as such). I do not drive, they are a support service for me as I have PTSD, and yes they also employ a Physician that handles my treatment of PTSD. Had the ACTT Team longer so yes they were 150% aware they existed and I was under that Physician's care for PTSD and were well aware and approved of all medications that I was on!
Bottom line this was used as an excuse to D/C me instead of properly giving me a referral to a new Pain Specialist. BUT! My own PCP in this office... as much was exchanged by phone on getting the referral that resulted in my returning to High Point on the very same day to see my PCP just so he could tell me NO he would NOT give me the referral oh and berating me while doing so. Please...think about this. These are the people you're entrusting your care and health too! Know who they are. Trust me they are checking you out, right down to your credit score! You HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO CHECK THEM OUT AS WELL!
What has my own investigation taught me about my experience? And trust me I plan to investigate further. A Thriving Practice that belongs to Dr. Anthony Wheeler in Charlotte, NC is now what? He works full-time Mon - Fri at a Bethany Medical Clinic/ Urgent Care in High Point NC! There is, unfortunately, a BIG GAPING HOLE HERE! I left out of that office with a Blood Pressure of 180/110 that was ignored and paperwork from a recent hospitalization where I was diagnosed with Diabetes that they (PCP Doctor) completely ignored.
Yes, I currently have Medicaid. I own an online Business that I work very hard at improving and hopefully will be able to financially handle me, my health issues without any Medicaid. I nor you deserve to be Exterminated for any reason. Research your prospective Medical Providers. It's your life you have the right to know who and what is caring for you medically. Please take of you!
Stay Tuned...Dr. Wheeler's Charlotte Location No Longer Exist! What Happened To Cause A Prominent "Specialist" In His Field Move All The Way To High Point, NC To Work For An "Urgent Care"?
Laurie Bullard