Exterminate The Less Fortunate? Only certain Providers...V BadDoc MD lacks "Quality Compassionate Care" for his patients with serious Medical Illness . Treated me as I were some type of degenerate . My "Blood Pressure" was extremely high and completely ignored by him. My concerns ( as there are many other physicians in the world, that are good Doctors ) he lacks compassion and is extremely judgmental despite not following through and knowing all the pertinent facts involving personal patient care. I felt I was being degraded, humiliated, as if I were totally beside the point even, and spoken too in the same manner. Never judge a book by its cover...what happens if after this visit where my well documented history of Hypertension was completely ignored by this Physician? I could (hopefully not and I think I will be OK) suffer from a Stroke or Heart Attack? These type of medical providers are in it for one reason... The Money! Perso...