Exterminate The Less Fortunate?
Only certain Providers...V BadDoc MD lacks "Quality Compassionate Care" for his patients with serious Medical Illness. Treated me as I were some type of degenerate. My "Blood Pressure" was extremely high and completely ignored by him. My concerns (as there are many other physicians in the world, that are good Doctors) he lacks compassion and is extremely judgmental despite not following through and knowing all the pertinent facts involving personal patient care. I felt I was being degraded,humiliated, as if I were totally beside the point even, and spoken too in the same manner. Never judge a book by its cover...what happens if after this visit where my well documented history of Hypertension was completely ignored by this Physician?
I could (hopefully not and I think I will be OK) suffer from a Stroke or Heart Attack? These type of medical providers are in it for one reason...The Money! Personal Patient care is completely out the question. I've read over Bills from this Provider from my own to other unfortunate patients...Medical Test that were never performed were charged to my Insurance company. (Short Note: #1 reason of increasing Medical Cost that many of us just can't afford, not to mention the cost to our own health, which could possibly result in death). This causes me grave concern as ignored High Blood Pressure in a patient with a long ongoing history of Hypertension concerns me highly.
We the Citizens of this wonderful country do not deserve to be ignored, overlooked, treated less than because we may look different, not in the same Tax Bracket that he is in. Maybe we choose an alternative Lifestyle, which is NOT illegal or wrong. Whatever the reason when you are a Medical Professional you are "SUPPOSED" to treat all Patients equal. Matters not if the are a different race, creed, sexual orientation, financial status, etc. This Provider put my HEALTH in jeopardy, treating me as if it were a joke.
Making excuse after excuse for his wrongful negligent behavior and pointing the fingers at me, hey what can I say, it is always anybody's fault but the Doctor(s) themselves. Today I advocate for those who are unable to speak up for themselves (not this situation) but unfortunately this was the WEB of Medical Deceit I walked into. Still pulling the cobwebs away and trying to understand it. Trying to make me feel less than, doesn't make me less than.
Leaving in tears and feeling completely "Hopeless" and "Helpless". Wrong is wrong. I am a Business Professional. However, I would NEVER do something this low to anyone just to make money, berate and degrade them in an attempt to right my own wrong! What happens if I were to have a "Stroke" tonight? Maybe a "Heart Attack", or hey how about both? Will this make him a better Medical Doctor? No, absolutely not! The PROBLEM? There are way too many of his kind.
Which does what? Puts large amounts of distrust into people. On his end...plain and simple ABUSE OF POWER! I will Pray for V. BadDoc MD, and any and all cohorts that were also involved in this. For Patients, take this to heart, the Internet is now a tool of knowledge and convenience. Today...Doctors, are rated, read and learn about who is taking care of you. Just because they may come across with the warm fuzzies upon meeting, does in no way mean there is no "Briars and Thorns" on the backside." Read what others have to say that have encountered people. Way the good and bad. This isn't just about Medical Professions now, anyone who is helping (or that is their Professional Role)...Read, Research, Learn as much as you can. The Internet is an awesome tool when used correctly!
Laurie Bullard
"Education Is Key" Use It!