I myself am one of the "Less Fortunate" for now. I would love to change this for myself and everyone that falls under this category. (Medicaid and many Medicare Recipients) I was sent to Dr. Anthony Wheeler around a year or so ago. I have done extensive research on him since and supposedly he has or had at some point (as it is humanly impossible to be in two places at one time) a thriving Medical Practice in Charlotte NC. It appears that in prior years reviews of Dr. Wheeler were mixed with some good and some bad. How do you go from that to some far "less than" position in an Urgent Care Facility? So there are some gaps in this Practitioners comings and goings prior to landing in High Point NC at the Bethany Medical Clinic aka "Urgent Care"! Upon meeting him (the first visit) he was polite, appeared Professional, doing small exams (as I suffer from Degenerative Disc, Several types of Arthritis, Post Back Surgery, etc.) can't say he spoke much, and ...