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Ketogenic Diet 101

An ‘Accidental’ Diet Discovered in 1924 For Treating Children With Epilepsy Turns Out To Be The Fastest Safest Way To Lose Weight Warning! Only Read This If You Want To Stop STRUGGLING and Feeling Frustrated With NOT losing weight  Here's The Good News. Instead of charging this life-changing diet at a ridiculous price, I am offering this promotion to you if you act right now:  For Only $47.00   $7.00

Exterminate The Less Fortunate?

Exterminate The Less  Fortunate?   Only certain Providers...V BadDoc  MD  lacks "Quality Compassionate Care" for his patients with serious Medical Illness . Treated me as I were some type of degenerate . My  "Blood Pressure" was extremely high and completely ignored by him. My concerns ( as there are many other physicians in the world, that are good Doctors ) he lacks compassion and is extremely judgmental despite not following through and knowing all the pertinent facts involving personal patient care. I felt I was being degraded, humiliated, as if I were totally beside the point even, and  spoken too in the same manner. Never judge a book by its cover...what happens if after this visit where my well documented history of Hypertension was completely ignored by this Physician? I could (hopefully not and I think I will be OK) suffer from a Stroke or Heart Attack? These type of medical providers are in it for one reason... The Money! Perso...

3 Non-White Hat Link Building Strategies

Note From Laurie Bullard: I Posted This To See How Others Feel About Such Tactics, Not Any Indicator Of My Personal Preference! As Google continues to improve its understanding of “natural” link profiles, the number of deceitful tactics working to rank sites is shrinking. That being said, there are still a few tactics that work very well to rank websites. In certain scenarios these tactics are more cost effective and better fit the goals of a particular website. I know some of you will be upset by the mere mention of the following tactics so be forewarned: the following tactics are risky and can lead to penalization or de-indexation of your website (and not endorsed by Website Magazine). Proceed with caution and do not try this is if you are not sure of what you are doing. 1. PBN LINK BUILDING This is a strategy that has been in use for at least six years and possibly even longer. The strategy involves buying auction or expired domains and setting them up as blog s...

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How Minimalism Made Me a Writer

How Minimalism Made Me a Writer by   Joshua Becker   Editor’s note: This is a guest post from Joshua Becker. Joshua is writer and speaker who decided with his family to become minimalists after cleaning their garage one weekend. You can find Joshua on his blog  and Twitter . One year ago, while driving my white Honda Accord across Phoenix Highway 101, the phone rang. I was surprised to see Jeff Goins’ name on the Caller ID. After exchanging a few pleasantries, Jeff asked an unexpected question. “Joshua, I’d like you to speak at my first  Tribe Conference  in Nashville. Can you be there this Fall?” I immediately experienced two emotions. First of all, I felt incredibly honored. I respect Jeff and the work that he does—it was an honor to even be asked. However, my second emotion gave me a slight pause before agreeing. I felt entirely inadequate. I believe my exact response to Jeff’s question was, “Jeff, you do know I credit my writing career t...

The Secret to SEO Success: Find Low Competition Keywords

The Secret to SEO Success: Find Low Competition Keywords : Let's be honest. There's no silver bullet with SEO. In fact, the complexity of SEO is in the overwhelming number of things you 'must' do. But who has time to check all the boxes on the SEO best practices checklist? If there is one thing you cannot skip, it is keyword resear